Friday, 21 March 2014

faioso cyclone Lusi

Howling all over New Zealand flooding waves came out of the sea and smashed through the trees. Cyclone Lusi came and slam into the beach and hit the waves up onto the road.After that the water came in to the house and started a flood.My next learnning step is to put full stop adn capital letters

Friday, 14 March 2014

Using Our Key Competencies

In maths I am learning to ask great questions to help my work because some times I get stuck on my work.
In literacy I am learning to love learning and explore new ideas because I want to no new things.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Deep inside the gloomy cave, Sophie started to become very very thirsty. ’’Hey BFG can I have a little drink’’ asked Sophie.Then the BFG gave sophie some frobscottle

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Top schools

 On a hot and sunny day, we went to top school at curchill park with kinds from lots of localls school.It was amazing the water slide because I was shoting the ball in the gola.After that we went and get a hot dog for me. Next we went to the prizegiving and our year 5,6 came 3ed place. Then we went back to school miss v saw me walking home so she pick me up.Luckily i got a ride back home because I was exhausted and I wanted to go to sleep.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Top school

A long time ago I went to top school with some of my friends it was amazing over there because we did lots of games there and all of it was amazing.So my favorite game over there was the water silde because it was hot but when we did it it was so cold.After that we went and get a hot dog for me.Then we went to the prizegiving and our year 5,6 came 3ed place and then we went back to school and then miss v saw me walking home and she saw me walking so she pick me up and then we went to the shop and went home.